Run Club
Run With Us
One of our many partnerships is with RUNClub Kamloops. They offer access to their run/walk programs as well as their RUNYoga program. RUNClub and its various clinics and programs, differ from your typical running or fitness organization, as they take an integrated approach to their training. Their mission is to inspire and nurture the human spirit - each person, heart and soul, by putting one foot in front of the other. Guided by their core values - trust, integrity, kindness, commitment, respect and fun. RUNClub provides a safe, supportive and inclusive community that marries outdoor activity and community integration in order to enhance and contribute to each participant's mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. This type of healthy living is something that we at The Happyness Center advocate and promote to our clients. Partnering with RUNClub was a natural fit. Together, we and the team at RUNClub work to cross-promote our services to all of our clients and participants, as this type of community integrated lifestyle gives recovery and mental health clients the best chance to experience a happy life and connect with the community.

Running as a mental health practice
In terms of mental health, we believe that outdoor therapy, particularly through running and walking (movement outdoors) is one of the best activities you can practice. It not only improves your overall physical condition, but it is critical to your mental and emotional health as well. No matter what pace you are going (walking or running), numerous studies have confirmed that moving your body can help: improve your mood; fight depression; improve your focus; help you sleep better; boost your brain power; improve your resilience to stress and anxiety and the list goes on. Running truly can positively affect your state of wellness in every aspect – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually – and this is why it is an important part of the innovative social programs we offer. Our team of practitioners participates in the various RunClub clinics throughout the year.
You can learn more about RUNClub and get registered for their clinics on their website: